Industrial Mineral Processing
J Carpenter Environmental, LLC provides industrial mineral processing products and equipment. Whether you are in mining, aggregate, industrial minerals, pulp, paper, or water recycling, we have what you need. Give us a call to discuss your project.

Industrial Mineral Processing Products
Mineral Separator Replacement Screens
J Carpenter Environmental LLC replacement screens for mineral separators are made by original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The screens are designed to J Carpenter Environmental specifications for extended life and durability. JCE has replacement screens for all major screen equipment manufacturers and styles.
Screen Cleaning Balls and Sleeves
JCE screen cleaning balls and sleeves are manufactured from high-quality materials and are tested for tensile strength, elongation, specific gravity, heat aging, resilience, and tear strength.
Dust Suppression Hopper System
Controlling dust during sand mining and processing is essential to maintaining a healthy work environment and good community relationships. Dust Suppression Hopper System (DSH) ® This remarkable and straightforward piece of equipment drastically reduces dust when loading railcars and trucks.
Industrial Mineral Processing Equipment
Controlling dust during sand transportation and processing is essential to maintaining a healthy work environment and good community relationships. Dust Suppression Hopper System (DSH)® This remarkable and straightforward piece of equipment drastically reduces dust when loading railcars and trucks.
J Carpenter Environmental has teamed with Phoenix Process Equipment Company to produce water treatment products and services for silica sand mining wet plants. These services and products include:
Product Applications
Equipment Manufacturers